

Well, tomorrow morning I head off to preach a revival at Fairview Baptist Church in Anamosa, Iowa. I'll be tweeting some prayer requests throughout the week, so keep watching there or on facebook for updates.

After getting back from Peru, my mind was having a hard time shifting back in to a Western / American mindset ... especially in regards to ministry. In Peru, I felt like I was participating in what God did throughout the book of Acts and the 1st century. Back home, that is obviously different, but I'm asking God why. If I can share Christ via a translator, shouldn't I be able to do so even more boldly with those in my same hemisphere who speak my same language? The answer is yes, so why do I (we) hesitate?

I'm writing mainly to ask for prayer - prayer that my fervor would remain, the Spirit would guide me, my speech would be bold, the Gospel would go out, and God would do a mighty work.  Revival is for just that - life and new life. Be it new believers, or some veterans who need a spark of life to be rekindled for the Lord, I'm asking God for revival to take place at this church next week. I ask that you pray for God to move in mighty ways next week as well.

I also ask that you pray for Pastor Lloyd. He called me today and said he would be headed to the hospital Monday morning for a chest cavity x-ray and some other tests. He had the flu for about 5 weeks during May-April and lately has been getting fatigued very easily. He wanted me to ask anyone I know to pray for his health and energy - so please do so.

Also, I read this morning in 1 Samuel 7 how Israel asked Samuel to not cease to cry out to the Lord for them. He sacrificed a lamb, cried out to the Lord, and the Lord answered him (1 Sam 7:8-9). When the Philistines attacked, the Lord thundered loudly, drove them into confusion, and Israel claimed victory over their enemies.

I couldn't help but think of how Christ does this for us. Hebrews 7:25 says that Jesus always lives to make intercession for those who fear Him. Having been the lamb that was sacrificed for us, and having overcome death for us, He drives out our enemies before Him. I saw that happen in Peru - some of the strongholds the enemy had were being broken down. I'm praying that for this week as well - that God would drive out His enemies and His Spirit would revive a church and community in need of it. Pray with me in this way. Thanks.

Until He Comes,

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