
Grandpa's Proverbs

So my grandpa occasionally sends me e-mails with wise words to live by. Some of them don't bear repeating, but I still take them all to heart. For example, "Never eat yellow snow" is a good one to remember if you live in a place that actually has a winter season.

Thursday morning I was doing my discipleship group with some of my junior and senior boys in the youth ministry and received via e-mail this proverb from grandpa. It was definitely something I had to share with the guys, especially because of what we had been talking about at that moment in the Bible study.

"The best sermons are lived, not preached."

The guys and I were talking about how the Bible says things like "A tree is known by its fruit" or "Bear fruit in keeping with repentance." In the book of Acts the disciples are first called Christians in Antioch (Acts 11:26), but in every other place in Acts they are referred to as followers of "the Way."

It's interesting that in the beginning of the Christian church, after Christ's ascension, His followers were known for more than just their statement of belief. It seems throughout the New Testament that Christians, or "followers of the Way," and Christianity, "the Way," was marked by the way in which believers lived their lives.

Now let me be clear on something. Living the "Christian life" as most of us would define it today does not and will never be the equivalent of salvation. The Bible makes that very clear. However, once God has saved you through the blood, death, burial and resurrection of His Son Jesus, He begins to change you from the inside out making you into the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). That change then begins to be shown in your life so the world might see the work that God has done in you (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Maybe we should take heed to how our church began in the book of Acts. Is merely stating that one is a Christian enough proof that they truly are; or is true belief shown by the Way in which we live our lives?

Words to consider. Thanks for the proverb grandpa.

Other instances in Acts pertaining to "the Way:"
Acts 9:2
Acts 19:9, 23
Acts 24:14, 22

1 comment:

Jennifer Davenport said...

Awesome... this is truly a message we must take to heart and share with others.